Essential Rejuvenation Spa

Men massage and facial Waco

Why should men get massages and facials? That’s right boys, I am talking to you today.  At Essential Rejuvenation Spa and massage (Waco / Hewitt) we see many more women weekly then men; why is this? Do men feel that is it not manly to get facials or massages? I hope not, that is like say it’s not manly to see a doctor or dentist. That is just foolish thinking that getting a facial or massage some how makes a man less masculine.  As man I have enjoyed facials and massage for over 20 years.  I do this because I also get my teeth cleaned and see a doctor.  I make time for me. I work out, I read, I get facials and massages.  There is nothing wrong with taking time for you men. If you know a man in Waco who never taken time to get a facial or a massage talk them into it, come with them get a couples massage with them regardless of relationship with them.  I meet a lot of hard-working men in Waco who go out of there way to take care of they families and friends. But never take care of themselves.  Selfcare is so important especially now in the on the go, fast pace life we live in. Many people in Waco commute out of Waco for a job, meaning a lot of sitting and to much sitting means back and neck pain.

You made up your mind, you decided to book a spa package (that’s right a spa package gentlemen). You are getting a 60-minute massage and a 60-minute facial.  What do you need to do before you arrive?  Shower for one thing and if you do not have a beard shave (trust me here), arrive 10 minutes early to fill out paperwork, and relax.  You are not the first guy to book a massage and facial so it will not be shocking to any of the staff.  For your facial, your esthetician will take you in the room have you change and lay on the table with the sheets and let you get comfortable.  It’s okay to be little nervous for your first facial. Take a deep breath listen to the relaxing music and close your eyes, shut your brain off do not think about work, or mowing the lawn. Brittany will put coverings on your eyes to protect them from the bright light. She will then look over your face looking for congestion and what kind of products she will need to use. She will then discuss with you what she is going to use and do. There will be some warm steam on your face to open pores, she will do extractions (pop blackheads), cleanse, and for most men hydrate the skin. This is why I said shave earlier. You will get a neck and shoulder massage to help you relax and forget about the lives stress. Trust me you will look younger when she is done, your skin will feel much healthier and be very clean.  Most of all you will feel relaxed and have a little less stress after your facial.  Next you will go over to the massage room, where one of our massage therapists will perform your one-hour massage, this can be a full body (neck, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, back or you can just focus on the back, neck and shoulders). I recommend your first time do a full body. I know you are a proud Waco Texas man and you are saying now nope not going to do any of that. Trust me, you will be telling all your friends about it they will be coming to get facials and massages too.  So, your massage, you will start out face down, where your massage therapist will use cream and start your relaxing massage working out all the tension, and stress. Just breath, relaxing and remember this is your time to de-compress. Once you are done, you will realize why you know so many women, get massages and facial in Waco.

Selfcare is for everyone, not just women. Facials and massages are to help you feel, look and preform better in your day-to-day life in Waco.  You can book online or call the spa to book.  We look forward to see you soon.