Essential Rejuvenation Spa


In my last blog I posted about what to do in Waco, along with information about supplement and how it is important to use them to maintain overall health.  In this blog I want to talk about protein and why you should use a protein supplement.  At Essential Rejuvenation Spa we carry Species Nutrition they make the highest yield protein on the market.  Isolyze protein is a whey isolate protein that comes in some amazing flavors.  Our bodies use a large amount of protein just to live.  Proteins is used in the creation of hair, skin, nails and ingeneration of cells in the body. If you workout you are breaking down even more muscle that needs to be repaired, thus requiring more protein. Stop by the spa for a sample of Isolyze protein and why you there book a facial or massage.  We look forward to seeing you at the spa in Hewitt.