Essential Rejuvenation Spa


Fall is coming, that means kids returning to school, cooler weather and shorter days. Fall in Texas is a magical, and beautiful time. The weather becomes amazing, mosquitoes go away and spending time outside again if enjoyable. We at the spa love the Fall, Halloween is just around the corner and the holidays are only a few short weeks away.  Fall is a time for reflection on the years accomplishments with an understand of what we could have done better. The biggest change that comes in Fall is out schedules. We get busy, kid’s school, sports, family events and holidays. This is not a time to stop thinking about selfcare. As we get busy, it’s even more important to get those massages and facials.  You cannot take care of those when you are in pain and not at your best. Selfcare is not selfish, it is just the opposite; when you are at your best you preform at your best. As the weather changes, the days get shorter please do not forget to set aside time for you. We know have a second massage therapist working during the week to help you.  Her name is Penny and she is an amazing LMT who comes to us with 12 years of massage experience. So, call or book online to meet Penny, be on the lookout for a special discount when booking with Penny.  There is no time like the present to think about selfcare.