Essential Rejuvenation Spa

"Hot & Cold Stone massage"


Stress of driving in Waco or anywhere for that matter can be well, stressful. As I drive into Waco this morning, I see people speeding, weaving in and out of traffic just to get to the red light with everyone else.  I ask myself why are they in such a hurry to get to a job that I am sure they hate. At the spa the vast majority of people who come in for a massage are getting stress massages to relieve the tension in their neck and back. This is from the way they drive, hand at the top of the steering wheel, the stress they feel from driving so aggressively.  How do we correct this and lower the anxiety?

  • Leave a few extra minutes early
  • Enjoy the drive, listen to a podcast, audio book.
  • Hold the wheel lower
  • Get massages"Hot & Cold Stone massage"

If more people would just live in the moment, enjoy what they are doing and take a minute to reflect on what they are doing they may live a little longer.  Lets all lower our stress levels, breathe a little deeper and live in the moment to lower stress. In doing so you may live longer, be less grumpy and enjoy live more.  Who knows you might just enjoy your job more.